Problems and Solutions, Solved Examples on Microprocessor Design, Practical Muxs, relay operated by a microprocessor, relay operated by NAND gate, Content of two 4 bit registers swapped, the majority logic circuit
Microprocessors and Interfaces Tutorials
Course Curriculum
- Tutorial 1 : Review of Binary arithmetic Operations35 mins
- Tutorial 2 : Microprocessor Design35 mins
- Tutorial 3 : 8086 Addressing Modes and Physical Address Calculation26 mins
- Tutorial 4 : 8086 Assembly Language to Machine Language Op-code. Addition, Subtraction BCD ALP40 mins
- Tutorial 5 : 8086 Data Transfer ALPs29 mins
- Tutorial 6 : 8086 Arithmetic Operations ALPs41 mins
- Tutorial 7 : 8086 Arithmetic and Logical Operations21 mins
- Tutorial 8 : 8086 Branching Operations29 mins
- Tutorial 9: 8086 Memory Organisation and Interrupts30 mins
- Tutorial 10: 8086 Memory Interface and Address De-coding28 mins
- Tutorial 11: 8086, 8088, and 80286 Memory Interface40 mins
- Tutorial 12:36 mins
- Tutorial 13: 8086 Interfaces 8255A PPI/8254 Timer and 8259A PIC32 mins
Sanjay Vidyadharan
Role : Professor
- Website :
- Experience : 25 Years
- Specialist in : Electronics and Electrical Engineering
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