Problems and Solutions, Solved Examples on 8086 interfaces 8255A PPI/8254 Timer and 8259A PIC. Control word to configure 8255A, Modes of 8255A, Read an ASCII character from a keyboard via PORT A of an 8255, reading counts on the fly, display seconds by calling the subroutine, Pulse gerenration, Pulse in every 50 us later from counter 0, ALP to initialize the 8259A in single level-triggered mode non buffered on special fully nested mode, set the 8259A to operate with IR6 masked and specific EOI mode, 8259A interfacing connections with 8086.
Microprocessors and Interfaces Tutorials
Home Microprocessors and Interfaces Tutorials Tutorial 13: 8086 Interfaces 8255A PPI/8254 Timer and 8259A PIC
Course Curriculum
- Tutorial 1 : Review of Binary arithmetic Operations35 mins
- Tutorial 2 : Microprocessor Design35 mins
- Tutorial 3 : 8086 Addressing Modes and Physical Address Calculation26 mins
- Tutorial 4 : 8086 Assembly Language to Machine Language Op-code. Addition, Subtraction BCD ALP40 mins
- Tutorial 5 : 8086 Data Transfer ALPs29 mins
- Tutorial 6 : 8086 Arithmetic Operations ALPs41 mins
- Tutorial 7 : 8086 Arithmetic and Logical Operations21 mins
- Tutorial 8 : 8086 Branching Operations29 mins
- Tutorial 9: 8086 Memory Organisation and Interrupts30 mins
- Tutorial 10: 8086 Memory Interface and Address De-coding28 mins
- Tutorial 11: 8086, 8088, and 80286 Memory Interface40 mins
- Tutorial 12:36 mins
- Tutorial 13: 8086 Interfaces 8255A PPI/8254 Timer and 8259A PIC32 mins
Sanjay Vidyadharan
Role : Professor
- Website :
- Experience : 25 Years
- Specialist in : Electronics and Electrical Engineering
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